Compromise between the verses of distortion and the verses of confirmation of the the New and Old Testaments based on Shia traditions

Document Type : Research Article


Assistant Professor of Faculty of Social Studies, Department of Law of Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran.



Problem: Famous Islamic scholars throughout the history of interpretation think that word distortion occurs in the New and Old Testaments. In the contemporary era, the evidence of this opinion has been challenged, Especially, the presence of verses confirming, in the Holy Quran, has made the issue difficult. How can one believe that the the New and Old Testaments are falsified and at the same time acknowledge it And considered the contents of the Torah to be authoritative? Islamic texts (Qur'an and hadiths) do not have a clear and decisive approach in this matter. In particular, the Holy Qur'an has extensive and suggestive verses about the distortion of the Torah and the Bible. But he has adopted a positive position regarding the holy books before him, especially the Torah and the Bible that existed at the time of Prophet Muhammad.In Islamic teachings, the Torah and the Bible are the books of revelation and revelation that were revealed to Prophet Moses and Jesus. Not books written by humans.An independent article focusing on the position of Shia hadiths on this issue has not been published, All the narrations below the verses of confirmation refer to the existence of the signs of Prophet Muhammad's mission and the completeness of the proof against the Jews based on the books they have. hadiths also indicate the occurrence of distortions in all subjects in the New and Old Testaments. The meaning of the texts is that “despite the distortions that occurred in the the New and Old Testaments, regarding the evangelization of Prophet Muhammad, the existing distorted versions also have themes and signs that end the argument against the Jews and Christians”. On the other hand, due to the loss of the evidences of the early days of Islam and the incompleteness of the correct interpretations of the covenants, it does not seem that the current books with the common interpretations are conclusive evidence against them. Method: Refer to a library source in the field of Qur'an and Hadith interpretation, analyze themes and try to combine evidence with conflicting themes.


Main Subjects

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