Al-Salat Book by Hariz bin Abdullah Sajestani; Possibility, Benefit and Methods of Reconstruction

Document Type : Research Article


1 Ph. D. student in Quran and Hadith Studies, Islamic Mazaheb University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Professor of Quran and Hadith Studies, Imam Sadeq University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Associate Professor of Quran and Hadith Studies, Islamic Mazaheb University, Tehran, Iran.



Hariz bin Abdullah Sajestani, a great and famous narrator of the 2nd century, wrote a book called al-Salat book, which has attracted the attention of other narrators and hadith scholars after him. His book was considered as one of the trusted and reference books for hadith books after that, and the hadiths of that book have been published and spread among hadith books. This book existed at least until the Middle Ages, but despite its great importance, it has been lost and only its hadiths exist in the narrative books of different centuries in the Shia hadith heritage. Due to the possibility of reconstructing the missing texts, it is possible to reconstruct this ancient textual heritage. And since the evaluation of the validity of the hadiths is done according to the criterion of the late Sanadi-Rejali (The science of hadith and Document research) review, and this criterion for evaluating the validity of the hadiths was different from the ancient criterion for the validation of the hadiths, which was base of that ,the source and origin of the relevant narration and the available evidence. Therefore, the presence or absence of the origin and source of the investigated narrative is important. And in case of existence or reconstruction and revival of that writings, in order to measure the validity of the hadith, in addition to paying attention to the modern criteria, we can refer to the criteria of the past. And it is possible to evaluate the hadiths according to the evidence, including the authentic source of the work. And in the case of al-Salat book , more credibility was given to those hadiths. This article deals with the possibility, benefits and method of restoring this missing hadith book.


Main Subjects

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