Rethinking about the Interpretation of ''The Separated Letters'' in the Holy Qur'an

Document Type : Review Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Zanjan University, Zanjan, Iran.



''The Separated Letters'' or ''The Mysterious Letters'' is one of the important topics of Qur'anic sciences, which has been discussed and explained in many ways. More than twenty different opinions have been expressed about these letters and each one has followed a different path in explaining these letters. Expressing opinions about ''The Separated Letters'' is not exclusive to the old scholars, and in the new era, several opinions have been expressed about these letters. The collection of opinions can be summarized in three categories; The first group believes that these letters are secrets, and refrains from commenting. The second group, although they believe in the secret nature of these letters, but they have commented on these letters, and the third group does not believe in the secret nature of these letters and has given a non-mysterious justification for it. In this article, after expressing some opinions about ''The Separated Letters'', a new opinion has been expressed in this matter; In this new explanation, both the secret aspect of these letters has been preserved and transparently, a clear opinion based on the Glorious Qur'an has been proposed for these letters, which is related to the teaching of ''Al-Kitab Al-Mubyn'' in the Glorious Qur'an. And the claim of this article is that the Glorious Qur'an itself has clearly and of course briefly stated what The Separated Letters are. According to this opinion, these letters are signs of Al-Kitab Al-Mubin.


Main Subjects

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