Critical Analysis of the Minimalist View of Taqiyyah with Emphasis on Ayatollah Sistani's Opinions

Document Type : Research Article


1 Associate Professor of Quran and Hadith Sciences Department, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

2 PhD student of Quran and Hadith, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.



Taqiyyah is one of the most important beliefs among Shia hadiths, which has been used by Islamic scholars as one of the solutions to resolve the conflict between the traditions. Among the controversial debates about taqiyyah is its extent and how to apply it among the hadiths. Some scientists ,however, have considered a significant role and others a limited one for it. The basic question of the current research is to what extent the conflict between hadiths has been influenced by taqiyyah and how much of these conflicts have appeared in Shia hadith books. Ayatollah Sistani has tried to discuss the hadith dispute and its connection with taqiyyah with a new perspective. The reason why this research is focused on his opinions is to examine the reasons and how to adopt a minimalist approach by him in the scope of the application of taqiyyah among Shiite doctrines, as a result of which the circle of components of taqiyya was reduced and the possible consequences of its expansion in It is limited among Shiite traditions. The study of his works shows that issues such as: "Determining the limiting components in the definition of taqiyya", "Belief in the ability of the Companions to identify taqiyya and refine hadith books from it", "Emphasis on factors other than taqiyya in creating conflicts in hadith", "Historical context Life of the Imams (AS)" and "Emergency and Temporary Conditions for Taqiyyah" etc. are among his reasons for the mentioned point of view. The reasons of this point of view try to rule out the role of taqiyyah in hadith conflicts; An issue that has been criticized by the authors of this article in some cases, and it is not possible to fully accept their point of view.


Main Subjects

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