Investigating the Impact of Criteria for Selecting Managers from the Perspective of Imam Ali (PBUH) on the Stability of Political Systems

Document Type : Research Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Vali Asr (Aj) Rafsanjan University, Kerman, Iran.



One of the important and fundamental factors in the stability and efficiency of political systems, which has been considered in political philosophy and the history of the development of political thought among thinkers in this field, is the issue of efficiency and competence of managers and agents of the Islamic society. In the government of Imam Ali (AS), serious attention has been paid to the selection and installation of competent and capable managers. From the point of view of political sociology, special attention has been paid to the social, economic and religious base of individuals as well as moral, religious, specialized and scientific criteria for the selection of managers in the government of Imam Ali (AS). Accurate and disciplined selection of government managers will have an undeniable role in the stability and durability of political systems and popular legitimacy of governments. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the selection of efficient and competent managers in Islamic management. This article, with the method of analytical and descriptive study of hadith and historical texts, tried to explain the indicators and criteria for the selection of managers and government agents in the political thought of Imam Ali (AS), in the second stage, the role and effect of these criteria on the stability and durability of political systems. to pay The final results of the research show that no political system can be effective in achieving its goals without competent and resourceful managers, and in this regard, there is no difference between religious and non-religious governments.


Main Subjects

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